【展演活動】限界烏托邦-跨領域表演 Limited Utopia -Interdisciplinary performances

  • 日本藝術家Hitoshi Taguchi 擔任駐校藝術期間,帶領學生了解日本跨領域創作實踐的創作脈絡,進行跨領域創作、互動與對話,希冀藉此強化科技藝術研究所學生在創作實踐與跨領域表演能力之提升。「限界烏托邦-跨領域表演」是學生在此學期的成果發表會,敬邀參與。
    During his residency, Japanese artist Hitoshi Taguchi led students to explore the context of interdisciplinary creation practices. He guided them through interdisciplinary creation, interaction, and dialogue, aiming to enhance the students’ creative practices and interdisciplinary performance abilities in the Institute of Technological Art. The end-of-semester showcase, “Limited Utopia ” will present the students’ achievements. You are cordially invited to participate.
  • 作品一:限界 Limit
    團隊:葉承昀ChengYun, Yeh、黃壬煜Jen Yu, Huang、石宗璿Tsung Hsuan, Shih、謝若淨Jo Ching, Hsieh、吳苡緁Yu Jie, Wu、賴榆方Yu Fang, Lai。
  • 作品二:無何有鄉 Utopia
    團隊:盧沛璇Pei hsuan,LU、蔡荃Chuan Tsai、朱承峰Cheng-Feng, Chu、彭鈺婷Yu-Ting, Peng、黃宇涵Yu-Han Huang、簡意榕Chien Yi Jung。