History & Introduction

:// Orientation & Focal Points

National Tsing Hua University was founded at a time when East meets West. The intellectual inquiries of different academic disciplines and the dialogue between local and international cultures have nurtured numerous talents and contributed to society in the fields of academics, arts, literature, military affairs, politics, and economy, which has become the proud tradition of the university. Since the recent merger with National Hsinchu University of Education, we have invested as much effort in forging connections with local communities and cultures as in “channeling the professional energy of arts, bringing ‘aesthetics’ into the campus, and promoting the holistic education of liberal and fine arts.” The orientation and focal points of the Graduate Institute of Art and Technology are described below:

1. The fusion of “imagination,” “creativity,” “proactiveness,” and “social forces”

The Graduate Institute of Art and Technology, National Tsing Hua University is orientated to the experimentation and innovation of “technological culture” with equal emphasis on humanistic warmth. Art and technology have penetrated and integrated with each other to a considerable extent in recent centuries, and, with the changes in the ecology and values of a pluralistic society, along with people’s expectation of improving their economy and life through innovation, “techno art” will soon become an artistic mainstream.

The establishment of this institute marked the fusion of “imagination,” “creativity,” “proactiveness,” and “social forces,” featuring a coherent learning process and transdisciplinary integration, which is the guiding philosophy of innovative education for future universities. Specifically, “artistic thinking” serves as the foundation for “imagination” and “creativity,” whilst “innovative technologies” represent the fulfillment of “proactiveness” and “social forces.”

2. “Virtual art” and “biotech art” as the two signature pillars of its academic program

The institute takes “virtual art” and “biotech art” as its core areas, so that the relationship between technology and art can be “sometimes closely intertwined, sometimes independently evolving,” which faithfully reflects the needs of teachers and students for pluralistic development.

3. Connecting with local cultures and marching toward internationalization

As an internationally renowned establishment, the institute effectively gives Taiwanese and international students access to transdisciplinary techno-art education, helping alleviate the systemic problem of the concentration of techno-art educational resources in Taipei. Adhering to the university’s mission and the college’s attributes, the institute endeavors to develop social and cultural ties with local communities. It not only proactively fosters interdisciplinary exchanges and cooperation with digital technology-related industries, but also evolves its innovative features through international exchanges and many other channels and approaches.
