林欣怡 // SENSORY LAB 清大感官實驗室


Discrete coding: Media stylo as a site-writing subject


From the observational context of intercultural cinema and multi-sited cultural migration, the presentation of image terms, such as “discrete coding” and “media stylo,” is a kind of cultural inter-coding representation of new media film writing formats. First, the focus is that a researcher has to do a thick description on the problematic of “how to present ” audiovisual archives in digital multi-sited, inter-border, cross-interfaced and intercultural images. This is followed by a discussion of how the practical and developmental path from essay film, video essays, and the camera stylo to the media stylo, generates a site-writing subject. Further, it reassesses how the discrete coding in video essays fractures the linearity of film and then clusters it into an entangled body of mixed images, texts, and multi-sources videos.

// 時間:2022/5/2(一)13:30—16:30(臺北時間)
// 地點:提供線上同步網址// https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83714175112?pwd=RkcyVGxCS1U4cnRXNGhrcDhzOEI1Zz09

// *語言:中文,提供英文同步翻譯


戰.世代:2022文化研究年會暨國際學術研討會 2022年3月12-13日(六、日).主持人:陳儒修.評論人:蔡華臻



贊助單位:CHCI-GLOBAL HUMANITIES INSTITUTE 2019-2022、Andrew Mellon Foundation、教育部高等教育深耕計畫