林欣怡 // SENSORY LAB 清大感官實驗室

Letter #69


《第六十九信》為台灣白色恐怖時期受難者施水環所寫的獄中家書的再書寫,試著將施水環最後一封家書那一片空白顯影,敘述那段不可見的影像,以及影片拍攝過程中所閱讀、查訪家書內容而連結擴延的「屏蔽/銀幕/遮蔽記憶」(screen memory)。影片由三種人稱視角構成敘事:沈默無聲的書寫(政治受難者施水環、施至成)、不現身的現世在場者旁白(受難者女性家屬)、第一、二、三人稱交錯的當代事件回應陳述話語(李哲宇、拍攝者)。

Letter #69 is a reinterpretation of the prison letters by Shi Shui-Huan, a victim of Taiwan’s White Terror. Letter #69 attempts to highlight the blankness of Shi’s last letter, describing the invisible image of that period, as well as the “shield / screen / screen memory” generated by reading and examining the letters during the filming process. The film is a narrative made up of three perspectives: The silent writers (political victims Shi Shui-Huan and Shi Zhi-Cheng), the present off-camera narrators (female family members of the victims), and the interwoven first, second, and third person narration that is the discourse of the people involved in contemporary events (Li Zhe-Yu, the filmmaker).


// 林欣怡|DCP、HD|黑白彩色|20分|2016
// 人物|林義煌.林洪素琴.南里朋子.郭嘉羚.李哲宇
// 旁白 |黃秀英.林招治.鄭灑淑.李哲宇.林欣怡
// 16mm放映機聲音|Freesfx.co.uk
// 片尾曲 |林強

// 感謝|施水環書信照片版權:書林出版社.景美人權文化園區.六張犁公墓.臺南臺鹼安順廠日式宿舍.九份廢棄日式建築群.九份四連棟日式宿舍.中央研究院臺灣史研究所.國家人權博物館組籌備處.臺南世華針織公司.林洪素琴.郭嘉羚.新店耆老.郝振邦.林佳慧.陳宛伶.黃冠雯.傅子峻 · 台灣女性影像學會Taiwan Women’s Film Association


// 2019 Oppression and Rebirth – 2019 AMA Museum Women’s Human Rights Film Festival 壓迫與重生—2019阿嬤家女性人權影展 阿嬤家-和平與女性人權館
// 2018 29th SGIFF:FOCUS: DOCU-MEMORIES SHORTS 新加坡國際電影節:焦點:記憶顯影-探台灣當代紀錄
// 2018 Kosovo DokuFest: “Birth of a Nation: Focus on Taiwan” 科索沃國際影展:國家的誕生單元
// 2018 Wathann Film Festiva 緬甸瓦山影展台灣單元
// 2017 What Time Is It There?: Taiwanese Film Biennial, UCLA Film & Television Archive and the Taiwan Academy in Los Angeles 台灣電影雙年展
// 2017 Media Library, Visions du Réel International Film Festival NYON 瑞士真實影展 Media Library
// 2017 Landscape of Asian Shorts section, Busan International Short Film Festival, South Korea 韓國釜山短片影展
// 2016 Outstanding Selection, Kaohsiung Film Festival 高雄電影節優選
// 2016 Merit Prize, Women Make Waves Int’l Film Festival 台灣國際女性影展特獎



李歐塔(Jean-Francois Lyotard)


━━━━━━━━━ 林欣怡,節錄自《寫作場景》,2017

「銀幕記憶」(screen memory)由媒體人類學家金斯伯格(Faye D. Ginsburg)所倡議,根據金斯伯格,佛洛伊德所言 的 「 銀 幕 / 屏 蔽 記憶 」 , 是 透 過 「 置 換 / 移 置 」(déplacemeut)和「凝縮」(condensation)等層層模糊的記憶遮蔽,來保護自己免受過去傷痛的再次傷害,讓 「重要的東西在記憶中被看似不重要的東西所取代」( 〔1901〕 1965:248)。在關於一九二二年《北方的那努克》(Nanook of the North)紀錄片的討論中,金斯伯格採用佛洛伊德「銀幕記憶」的觀點,進一步將銀幕記憶推演為用電影、錄像和電視等 媒介重述故事(培力),建構新的美學結構的方法,成為受迫者復原集體故事和歷史的民族敘事能力,將被遮蔽的部份揭露。如同鶴見俊輔論及日本戰後精神結構所提及的「如何記憶戰爭期間的偶發事件,如何將記憶藏在心中,置換成他物,如何解釋,又如何表述此記憶。」「恢復自我陳述」的能力,便是在建構一種非官方的個人歷史。《第六十九信》影像中的場景, 是無檔案歷史的「現實」與無檔案「現實」所欲拍攝逼近的「歷史真實」的雙重疊影。透過電影作者陸續的查訪研究,逐漸地 將記憶建構至場景中,將事件調度至影像中,將施水環、施至成那一段藏匿、被國家暴力遮蔽的歷史銘刻至「空白檔」裡 , 同時也將電影作者的身體行動痕跡書寫入此空白記憶中。


關於場景調度(mise-en-scène),亞陶在寫給劇評家柯米厄(Benjamin Crémieux)的信件中的力竭直言,對「場景調度」所可能給出的「另一種語言」的捍衛書寫,「另一種語言」意味著詞語的出離,「詞語」不僅是口語、聲調、旁白, 它是言語化成行動的直接演出。電影若只能是聲音、文字與圖像的組配(物質上的侷限),亞陶將不同意。如今閱讀,竟與洪席耶〈詞語的出離〉(Les sorties du Verb)有些許的輝映。李 歐塔(Jean-Francois Lyotard)在1973年的〈反電影〉(L’Acinéma)一文中,則將場景調度擴延為景框邊界內外的運動,以「場外調度」(La Mise Hors Scène)的概念再論了「現實」與「真實」 。場外調度必須邀請 觀者自身的感知糅雜,補償文圖像之外的場景鏡頭,在觀者的身體眼底中重構一場演出。李歐塔指出:「為了讓再現功能得以實現,場面調度工作還應該成為『場外調度』的工作,就像我們剛說的那樣,不僅如此,它還要成為把所有運動統一起來的工作,包括框景邊界兩面的運動,指定這裡和那裡,『現實』和『真實』,這同樣要求各種衝動具有相同的規範,結果像處理場內內容一樣對場外內容展開排除和刪減。 影片對象的那些標記,必然也強加給影片之外的所有對象。」(Lyotard 1994)《第六十九信》以 「銀幕記憶」作為空白檔案生產的拍攝方法,在場景的調度上, 也試圖進行「場外調度」的概念操作。


Faye D. Ginsburg ( 2002 ). Media Worlds: Anthropology on New Terrain, University of California Press
Lyotard Jean-François ( 1994 ). L’acinéma, Des Dispositifs pulsionnels, Paris, Galilée




1925年生,台南人。弟弟施至成,臺大畢業 因牽連「臺大支部案」一直躲在施水環宿舍天花板內。施水環因保護弟弟,且牽連「郵電支部案」於1954年7月19日被捕,1956年7月24日槍決。施水環囚於臺北軍法處19個月,前後寄出68封家書,述說她對家人的思念。槍決前未竟的第69封信,一片空白。施至成後來下落成謎,生死未明。



Found-footage film


The “photographic film image” in the video, Letter #69, is an old photographic film from an abandoned old Taiwanese theater. After cleaning the film, Shi Shui-Huan’s letters were printed on it to construct a stop motion. The reproduction of old film serves as a response to the esoteric, dark history of Shi Shui-Huan and her brother Shi Zhi-Cheng in their last escape where they hid in the ceiling. It is also a response to the historical violence of Taiwan that cannot be cleared and is difficult to look back at.



The simulation of body movements serves as a “restoration” of the soon-to-be obscured history in a filming method that conducts “self-presentation”. The scene is set in an abandoned Japanese-style building in Taiwan and a prison scene in a human rights park. The actors simulate the daily labor in prison in a setting without props. Through operating invisible “objects”, the personal history of the victims are construed in non-archival data.



Several voice-over is captured from the interview files of Huang Xiu-Ying, Lin Zhao-Zhi, and Zheng Sa-Shu, three female family members of the political victims.
.Li Zhe-Yu curated Red Team: 2014-1949 which referenced the White Horror burial plan. The sound source is Li’s oral narrative on his experiences regarding the mass graves in Liuzhangli.
.The Xindian old Taiwanese language narrates the memory of the execution shooting that took place during the White Terror period in a thick crater of the mountain behind Binlang Road, Xindian.
.Some narrations are the reverse playback of the director reading Shi Shui-Huan’s letters, serving as an audible but incomprehensible discourse.




Enacting part of Shi Shui-Huan’s letters from 1954 to 1956, the actors’ repetitive hand movements of opening parcels express the emotions in the letters. The contents of the parcels are not “reproductions”, but old objects found between 1954 and 1956 in Taiwan. The parcels served as Shi’s only “medium” of contact with her family members. Not only do the parcels convey their thoughts and desires, the “household objects” mentioned in the letters also provide personality and self-clarity to the person without a voice during national collective violence.

La Mise Hors Scène




Enacting part of Shi Shui-Huan’s letters from 1954 to 1956, the actors’ repetitive hand movements of opening parcels express the emotions in the letters. The contents of the parcels are not “reproductions”, but old objects found between 1954 and 1956 in Taiwan. The parcels served as Shi’s only “medium” of contact with her family members. Not only do the parcels convey their thoughts and desires, the “household objects” mentioned in the letters also provide personality and self-clarity to the person without a voice during national collective violence.

Starting from the abandoned Taijian employee dormitory in Tainan, the film scenes in Letter #69 are comprised of reading, shooting, and examining the “key points” of the process of Shi’s letters, rather than historical sources. When “others / researchers” are filming and researching “different cultures / the people being filmed” through “media”, are they searching for “cultural truth”? Or are they self-stating the “present identity” of the subjects? The method of shooting, process of conversation, translation of words, distribution of cultural location, and even the watching and reading” of the last file are paths that must be handled with care. Through the method of shielding memory, this corresponds to perspective of how the current cultural body is covered, constructed, and watched.




貝萊.于禮.陳石寶.楊鬧雲.楊熙文.張鑫森.黃世全.陳成法.張伯哲.鄧銅章.蔣純烷.劉家勝.曾福禮.黃石金.蕭謀成鄭重生.傅友源.汪炳輝.林茂吉.王立云正叢千. 陳淋.方〇〇.呂金富.汪聲和.陳德春.陳朝欽.廖坤林.林泗川.陸建唐.黃義滄.李金良.廖鳳娥.李朋.劉天民.鄒曙.華震.吳鎮成.郭秉衡.溫訪榮.劉特愼.莊金標.吳朝麒.黃金寶.楊志朋.林夷吾.謝奇明.魏源溱.吳國祥.朱冠軍.趙世昌.蔡三元.張添丁.黃呈輝.蔣新祿.王德文.洪麟兒.林康盛.姜炎坤.蔡俊峰.不詳.馬學樅.張慶.田子彬.葛仲卿 .陳 平.徐 毅.蘇藝林.劉維杰.潘大貢.蔡裕康.林安家.黃奕耀.謝桂強.李冠南.顧炤.楊源盛.蕭彩祥.王臣濱.向恒山.蔡添登.張錦生.楊恩非.(吳)輝文.王式賢.黃昌祥.楊〇情.戴書動.楊鬧上.徐文德.嚴勝福.陳啟勳.詹炳和.江秦勇.王瀛成.林彩滿.梁錚卿.張增傳.曾文章.張金塗.張益平.葛秦.張添丁.郭慶.顏子清.吳萬成.黃蘭芳.陶建芳.戴龍.黃蹈中.王佑春.陳蓮亭.朱文清.鄭清標.桃錦.沈國良.黃賢(忠).黃生昌.黃佳景

