林欣怡 // SENSORY LAB 清大感官實驗室

2020 - 2022 ICCS計畫

Intercultural Cinema:
Depend on Things, Entangled Objects, Image-Matter-Flow


In recent years, “entanglement” has been a method of frequent discussions for scholars immersed in intercultural studies and anthropological research. This method values the power of culture to transcend space and time, and the impact of movement and imbalances. “Entanglement” involves matter and non-matter composition. We must trace the workings of fortuity, complex systems, and trajectories within this entangling matter flow. The focus of “Entanglement” is not only fortuity, interactivity, and distribution, but also emphasizes the enmeshed or interwoven of cultural relationships between human and matter flow. When we discuss the concept of interculturalism, simultaneous discussions must also take place about what type of matter flow is entangled with the heterogeneous identities of human beings. Moreover, how do we renew our understanding of intercultural issues in such entanglement?

By touching and manipulating matters with identity characteristics such as memory objects and personal objects, intercultural cinema summons sensory memories to compose a type of “image-matter-flow”. This “matter-flow” is a type of personal experience (cultural matters) carried by detached individuals. From this perspective, “hearing sensory”, “haptic visuality”, and “cultural matters” within intercultural cinema is the entanglement of human and matters as well as the sensory of things, and its attempt to summon another type of memory, another imaging component of overflowing “visual sensory”.

This research will focus on, does the “intercultural subject” still exist in the globalization of languages? Within the society of the Cloud-Spectacle, how do we produce disagreement of meaning, and decipher the cultural subject’s differentiation or identification? In the framework of “visual sensory”, has the “matter-flow” in intercultural imagery diluted inter-matter characteristics and the possibility of narration dominating entangled sensibility?

━━━━━━━━━  林欣怡. ICCS 衝突、正義、解殖:亞際社會批判研究 子計畫V


2021.07 本計劃獲科技部人文社會科學研究中心.文化研究國際中心補助

Intercultural Cinema Studies

「跨文化電影研究」(Intercultural Cinema Studies, ICS)始於2018年,為國立陽明交通大學「感官實驗室」於文化研究國際中心的影像研究與學術生產計畫,期間以感官民族誌、實驗影像創作、觸視覺物質、跨文化電影等課程研究,積累相當程度的影音與文件檔案。在文化研究國際中心的架構下,實驗室嘗試凝聚陽明交大校內對於跨文化電影、實驗影像與媒體研究有意發展的師生群組,結合實驗室長久以來運作的問題意識,以及跨文化實踐網絡,持續發展以跨文化電影為核心、以影像新媒體為介面的學術研究。 「ICS」建構聚焦跨文化電影研究的資訊平台,提供學術性研究論述之基礎與流通功能;另一方面擴延跨文化電影問題意識的學術群組,以臺灣為據點,發散研究能量與國際脈絡,建立亞際區塊的獨特性。「ICS」將持續發展跨文化電影美學的研究議題,透過媒體影像實驗、田野檔案生產與系列活動的數位檔案,圈圍出更聚焦的研究框架,強化文化研究國際中心研究群與能見度。